Amy's Garden Near Mailbox
Variegated Tobira
Mexican Palo Verde, Jerusalem Thorn
Superba Fescue
Elfin Creeping Thyme
Variegated Tobira

Common name:Variegated Tobira
Botanical name:Pittosporum tobira 'Variegata'

This variegated evergreen shrub or small tree has creamy margins on its gray green leaves. In spring, clusters of small, cream-colored flowers appear with the fragrance of orange blossoms. Variegated Tobira is often used to brighten shaded areas.

Mexican Palo Verde, Jerusalem Thorn

Common name:Mexican Palo Verde, Jerusalem Thorn
Botanical name:Parkinsonia aculeata

The Mexican Palo Verde has prickly stems. This tree is very fast growing with sparse foliage and very long narrow leaves. Yellow flowers with orange red throats bloom sporadically. It is very messy, thorny, weedy and short-lived. This tree is usually found on limestone soils in areas with moisture but is strongly drought tolerant. It can withstand saline conditions. It can be cold or drought deciduous. It is beautiful in form being light and airy looking, with green bark.

Superba Fescue

Common name:Superba Fescue
Botanical name:Festuca amethystina 'Superba'

The Rainbow Fescue is a hardy fescue with fine, blue green foliage that grows 8" tall. It has spring flowers that are 12" above the foliage. This fescue is a very showy, neat grass for sunny spots during spring and fall. The Rainbow Fescue is drought tolerant. -Cornflower Farms

Elfin Creeping Thyme

Common name:Elfin Creeping Thyme
Botanical name:Thymus praecox arcticus 'Elfin

This evergreen groundcover needs full sun to light shade. It grows to 3" tall, forming a dense, thick mat. It needs well-drained, light soil. Creeping Thyme is considered drought tolerant. The foliage is dark green and slightly hairy. It has a pleasant, minty fragrance when crushed, though not considered for culinary uses. Flowers are lilac purple and bloom in the summer. It attracts bees and butterflies.

Designer: Amy Nettleton

Amy's Garden Near Mailbox

Photographer: Amy Nettleton

Soils and Compost:

Incorporate compost 6" into your soil to retain water, reduce compaction, feed earthworms, and provide valuable nutrients to your plants.

Integrated Pest Management:

Drip and other smart irrigation delivers water directly to roots, allowing no excess water for weeds.