Restful Patio
Australian Willow, Wilga
Norfolk Island Pine, Star Pine
Scarlet Bugler
Island Bush Poppy
Garden or Common Geranium
Cape Plumbago
Australian Willow, Wilga

Common name:Australian Willow, Wilga
Botanical name:Geijera parviflora

This evergreen tree reaches a height of 25', with 3"-6" long, medium length, green colored leaves that are narrow. Its main branches sweep up and out, while the smaller branches tend to hang down.

Norfolk Island Pine, Star Pine

Common name:Norfolk Island Pine, Star Pine
Botanical name:Araucaria heterophylla

This very large tree will grow to about 100' tall and 60' wide with narrow, sharp leaves that are a deep, dark green. It is a popular Christmas tree in Hawaii. It is a good indoor plant with sunny exposures.

Scarlet Bugler

Common name:Scarlet Bugler
Botanical name:Penstemon centranthifolius

This herbaceous perennial has gray green leaves with showy scarlet flowers that bloom in spring. It requires excellent drainage.

Island Bush Poppy

Common name:Island Bush Poppy
Botanical name:Dendromecon harfordii

An evergreen shrub that grows quickly to 5'-8' tall and 6'-10' wide; the harfordii bears deep yellow poppy flowers to 3" wide with orange stamens. Its heaviest bloom period is in the spring, with some flowers almost all year. The plant requires sun, good drainage, and little or no summer watering. -Monterey Bay Nursery

Garden or Common Geranium

Common name:Garden or Common Geranium
Botanical name:Pelargonium X hortorum

Pelargonium X hortorum is a shrubby, succulent perennial stemmed to 3' or more. Round or kidney-shaped leaves are velvety and hairy, soft to the touch, aromatic, with edges distinctly lobed and scalloped toothed. Single and double flowers are flatter and smaller than those of Pelargonium domesticum variety, but clusters bear more blossoms.

Cape Plumbago

Common name:Cape Plumbago
Botanical name:Plumbago auriculata

This mounding shrub will grow to 12'+ tall and has small, light green leaves with blue and white flowers that bloom all year.

Designer: Homeowner

Restful Patio

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Practice grass-cycling by leaving short grass clippings on lawns after mowing, so that nutrients and organic matter are returned to the soil.

Integrated Pest Management:

Remove irrigation water and fertilizer from areas where you don't want weeds to grow.